Ahhh... What a wonderful Christmas season it has been. Let me give you a bulleted recap... (photos will have to wait as I am not on my own computer...)
~We celebrated "First Christmas" with my family in Madison at my sister and brother-in-law's house. We intended to leave late on Friday the 19th after Jaker's game. As the weather would have it, a bucketload of snow dumped upon us and both school and the game were cancelled. The roads were clear by mid-morning and we drove to Madison in the sunshine. We had a WoNdErFuL time! Sledding, A huge appetizer buffet, Trivial Pursuit, Canasta... and together time. The kids would interject- AND PRESENTS!!! Auntie Lottie is known to be the "fun present lady" and she did not disappoint. A Ripstick and Fishing Pole were the boys' favorites and Bella and Lanman enjoyed their "Baby Alive" and rocking chair from Grandma and Grandpa .
~ The last day and a half of school flew by! Jaker and the Trojans had a great b-ball game Tuesday the 23rd and went into Christmas break 2-1.
~ Christmas Eve was a wonderful day of together time. We went to the 3:00 church service and came home for a candlelit lasagna dinner and reading of "The Christmas Box." We watched it's a Wonderful Life" and tucked four excited kids into bed.
~ Christmas morning was magically memorable. :) I love the kids' excitement! We got to spend the middle of the day at Jake's Grandma's house. That was a treat. :) We came home, played games, highlighted hair (All three big kids) and relished being home as a family.
~ The 26th brought Jake's sister Janel and two of our nieces to town. We got to go to Rochester and pick them up and later in the day got to see Jamie and her family as well! The kids got to spend a full night and day with their cousins and had a grand ol' time. :) The boys loved playing with their soft-air guns in the hay barn. :) Bella relished in "girl-cousin-time." We enjoyed a wonderful meatball dinner at Grandma and Grandpa's house and more gift exchanging. Grandma Joyce's pj pants were a instant hit.
~ We packed up the van and left right from church Sunday the 28th to meet some friends from Chetek in Eau Claire for an afternoon of swimming, games and visiting. Oh, what fun the kids had-- and Jake and I , as well! Despite the distance, our friendships remain strong and we relish every chance we get to have together. We always leave our times together with the next date PENNED into our planners and anticipation building for that next visit.
~Monday the 29th brought a whirlwind of cleaning to the Dahl house! The tree came down, the bathrooms were scrubbed, the floors, kitchen, bedrooms and every other nook and crannie got a much-needed scrubbing. Ahh, the dust flew and it felt good (to this Mama, anyway!)
~ For many years now we have celebrated the New Year with our
very good friends. Tuesday brought them to our house for a few days of fun. :) The kids (all eight of them) have played well in our tight quarters (We look forward to next year when we will have all of the basement to spread out in!), and we've enjoyed food, games, food, shopping (Buddy and Jake), weight lifting (Marti and I)... oh, I may have switched that around. Oh, and more food. They are still here now, in fact, and I type away as we watch "The Dark Knight." It may be the first movie we have watched together that I have stayed entirely awake for! Thanks to the good ol' blog. :)
So there is a synopsis of our holiday. We forge ahead into 2009 as a family who wants to grow in grace, know the Lord and make Him known. We aim to take time to enjoy the simple things in life and appreciate each day we are given.
We wish you a happy, healthy 2009.