Wednesday, April 04, 2007

And the fruit salad continues...

Well, the fig has now hit lime status, but I guess not the girth of a lime, but rather the LENGTH of a lime (Knowing our Dahl babies, it very well COULD be the girth of a lime as well). All is well. Still haven't had a lick of "morning" sickness (Thank you, Lord!) and am not to worried about it hitting as we begin week 12! I see the doctor next Tuesday for the first of many in and out visits, Lord willing. Stay tuned as next week we break out of the fruit comparisons!

In other news, the rumor is true and I turned 31 on Tuesday. I have great friends and a great family and that's about all I have to say on that.

We are excited for the coming Easter weekend. A time to see extended family and celebrate the Lord's resurrection! Bella and I are having a packing/laundry extravaganza tomorrow as the guys all party at school. Doodle was invited in to our friend and Pastor's wife's 1st grade classroom for the day. He is thrilled. He and Noodle both get to attend a birthday party following school. Can the day get any better? Jake has to say farewell to his first student teacher tomorrow. He was thankful to have him and I'm sure will be sad to see him go.

We wish you all the happiest of Easter weekends! Travel safe, enjoy family and eat the ears first!


Lisa said...

Go baby! Go baby! *RAH*

Not feeling a bit lime colored at all? Hmm... I always heard that if you are sick a lot that baby is a boy. Maybe you have another girlie on the way!

Belated birthday happys! :o)

Have a glorious Easter! *Hugs*

Keri said...

I bought a swimsuit for us today--it is hard to be on vacation without one!

Give that little lime a hug for me!

Look forward to seeing ya in a couple of days! Miss ya!