Thursday, August 11, 2005

Exploring our Home Town

Today I am going to venture out and do something I don't often do. I'm even a bit ashamed to say it, as those who are very pro "shop local" will probably send the hounds out after me. My mother-in-law is coming to visit with her sister and we are going to go to the shops in town. I can honestly say that I haven't done this for a good four years when my mom visited and showed interest in doing the same thing.

Living in the up-north summer-tourist-ridden town that we do, there are quite a few small gift and craft shops around town. Most have a woodsy flair and only a few select ones have been around more than a season or two. It leads to variety- One storefront has changed hands three times since I last took my hometown shop tour.

Now, I shop at the local grocery store, for the sale items, or when I need something specific quickly. I go to the local hardware store when we need one specific thing. I have gone into one or two of the gift shops when I have needed a gift.
(Maybe that's my issue, at this point in life I really am a necessity shopper- for the most part). I love having things close and convenient. But there's a catch- I also love a deal, which draws me to the slightly bigger city to the north more often than not because I'm sure that their bigger stores translate into bigger savings. Is it always true? No. Is my time and fuel to get there outweighing the money I save by shopping there? Maybe.
I'll keep you updated to the results of our "day at the shops."

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